The Darkside of Homelesness
This is a question that we should be asking ourselves.
with all of our luxuries, food, warmth and keeping dry we have so
much already.
Even somebody who is unemployed or in benefits has a lot already.
I regularly speak to the Homeless and many of them I know personally
by name, and still remember from when I worked at a Homeless Charity.
You might be surprised, but many suffer from infections and illnesses,
that should have disappeared years ago.
Many will be cynical and see the Homeless as beggars, who don’t want
to get a job or are happier in their situation.
I have listened to some heartbreaking stories and have come to an
understanding of why many are in the situation that they are in.
As a professional photographer, I have seen the ugly side of
homelessness, and also had my share of grief when I found out what
has happened to individuals.
1 person in particular, had such an effect on me that years later,
I still get emotional about it.
We lost somebody who died, and it was on cold grey concrete with
nobody with them, until they were found the next day.
I have heard stories of happily married people, who had everything and have ended up losing it all.
There is a positive side
There are many charities that really care, and have a duty of hands on care and help.
Being on Benefits
The average adult over 25 will get roughly £73.10 a
week on Job seekers allowance, which is about
£10.44 a day to live on.
Being on the streets or NFA ( No fixed abode )
doesn’t entitle you to any money.
There are homeless shelters that once full up, there
will be No More Room.
Saying that when the weather gets below a certain
temperature, which believe it or not is checked by
logging onto the BBC Weather website, for an
acceptance or rejection.
This will be a tolerance of +/- 1 degree Celsius.
What Next?
What can we do, when all of us are financially
struggling, and have debts building up.
We can
Donate wisely
Small business involvement
Support a Charity ( Choose wisely )