Photography Watford Photo Workshop – Saturday 1st July
Photography Watford’s Friday started with what should have been a 2 hour journey up the M1 motorway.
It seems everybody wanted to be heading north, and this 100 mile trip took 3 hours!

Workshop Day
We all arrived, on what was such a gorgeous day, and not a hint of rain on the horizon. Again, Coffee had to be consumed, as it seems recently that has become a prerequisite.
There was a small cosy group of people excited and keen to learn more about Photography, and just to top things off there was also a practical side as we were all going to get snapping later.
We all went through the basics of Photography and also a “Do’s and Don’ts ” section also. Having said that, Photographers have a license to snap what they want and very often how they want to.
As often that is the case, we did a basic walk around the Farm to see what we should snap and get a feel for the hidden gems that we could uncover with our lenses.
Yummy food
We were all peckish by this time and the Catering team had a table booked for us all with some very delicious food and drink prepared. This was also very reasonably priced.

A Surprise in store
We were all very keen to get back and start photographing, and in the back of my mind I had a little surprise that I knew folks would Love.
We all very stealthily were allowed in the Bird areas and Avery. We walked around the Avery like Ninjas being careful not to hurt any birds that might be on the ground, and very quietly aware that there were 2 nests of newly born birds.
Naughty Chicken
Into the Naughty Bird area where I was standing minding my own business, admiring the birds, when I felt a Thud on the back of my Leg. As I looked around a little Cheeky Chicken was feeling pleased with himself as he had kicked me. I had to laugh.
My Fav was the Blue Eyed Geese and the Silkie Chicken, which you can see on the Stonebridge website. The Chickens were so cute and friendly, as they had no fear, and came very close to us all. I came close to slipping on something soft and squishy, but let’s not mention it.

The Garden
The Stonebridge garden is such an amazing work in progress project. Hours and hours of time has been spent working, planting and now harvesting some amazing crops. There were quite a few beautifully coloured Butterflies, Bees and Ladybirds dotted around the garden, which was a real treat, especially for the photographers. The challenge was to get a good photo of a Humble Bumble Bee, as they didn’t keep still for long. You had to be quick, as just as you focused the camera, off they were to the next flower.